Kerry Snyder-Husted, Administrative Director of the Cancer Center of Excellence for one of the oldest NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, discusses TaketheFight and how it is changing patients’ lives and the future of healthcare.
Leukemia now in remission, Mr. Smith is heading home this week! His Hematologist-Oncologist who saved him, Dr. Bayard Powell, joined us for his graduation. On the right is Nicole, who has worked 1on1 with the Smith’s throughout their journey this semester. And in the middle, is the amazing Mrs. Smith. TaketheFight works: #bravepatients #brightstudents #amazingdocs What TeachForAmerica did for the education system, TaketheFight is accomplishing for the healthcare system. We’re excited to be selecting our next cancer centers for this Fall, to pair other elite…
Take The Fight officially opens its National Headquarters in Washington DC, thanks to our friends at Northwest Biothereapeutics. NW Bio is responsible for the cutting-edge vaccine, DC-Vax, which is in late-stage trials in the USA, England & Germany, helping patients defeat brain cancer by using the patient’s own tumor tissue to reprogram their immune system to attack the cancer cells. Take The Fight owes much grattitude to our Board Member and NW Bio’s CEO, Linda Powers, and their incredible team, who are using advanced science…
Breast cancer patient? Nope… TaketheFight Survivor! Congratulations, Caroline & Kevin! And their strategist fighting beside them to beat cancer, Laura, a pre-med junior & member of Chi Omega. #PinkRibbonFist #ChiO #TTFsurvivors
Given the potential for only 5-weeks to live, the Smiths went inpatient over 30 days ago. When they asked Mr. Smith about an advance directive, he insisted, “I don’t need it. I’m going to beat this.” The Smiths learned this weekend, after 30+ days of intensive treatment, that his leukemia is in Remission!! Mr. Smith was our first FightWatch patient, whom many of our team (trained undergrads) slept beside overnight, so that the amazing Mrs. Smith, a former nurse, would be able to go home…
Our first Survivor “Graduation”! Bernie and his wonderful wife autograph our framed team-shirt, which will go on the cancer center wall. It was an extra special day, as Bernie also completed radiation! Although the semester is over, their Strategist will be local this summer doing research, and he volunteered to continue to support this special family as they continue to TaketheFight to Cancer. #TaketheFight #survivorgraduates
We have officially accepted our first long-distance patient! We’re excited to announce the launch of our “Remote Patients” initiative, which enables us to pair students & patients, regardless of their particular location or hospital. We’ve paired this first, incredible patient with Lindsey (pictured), a pre-med student & TaketheFight strategist, who will be researching emerging treatments, trials, supplements, diet, and everything specific to this individual patient’s case, including her biomarkers, for this patient to discuss with her physician to be even more informed & supported than…
This Sunday, one of our Strategists traveled out-of-state to the home of the patient & family which he has been fighting alongside this semester. They received onsite cancer support, and he received some home cookin’ with a special family. On the left is college senior Austin, one of our Strategists, and on the right is Tim, his survivor. #brightstudents #bravepatients
Meet Troy Davis, a 3.6 pre-med sophomore and one of TaketheFight’s cancer strategists from New York, who was Top 5 in his highschool class. Troy is fighting alongside a Pancreatic cancer patient, working with her not only at the cancer center during her chemo infusions, but also strategizing with the patient & family at her home. Troy presented her case at our Multidisciplinary Committee meeting this Sunday, to continue to find ways to give this patient an unfair advantage against cancer. #passionatestudents #changinghealthcare
Strategist Brett Donahoo describes what it’s like for one of TaketheFight’s elite Cancer Strategists to meet their Patient for the first time, as he gears up to save & improve his life. #powerful #TaketheFight #itsanarmy