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Rejoicing with The Smiths!!

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  • April 28, 2013


Given the potential for only 5-weeks to live, the Smiths went inpatient over 30 days ago. When they asked Mr. Smith about an advance directive, he insisted, “I don’t need it. I’m going to beat this.” The Smiths learned this weekend, after 30+ days of intensive treatment, that his leukemia is in Remission!! Mr. Smith was our first FightWatch patient, whom many of our team (trained undergrads) slept beside overnight, so that the amazing Mrs. Smith, a former nurse, would be able to go home and rest in her own bed to return fresh the next day to be by his side every second. In the next two weeks, we’ll be “Graduating” the Smiths from TaketheFight, as he becomes a TaketheFight Survivor, although their TTF strategist volunteered to continue fighting alongside them over the summer. You’ll notice their family & their incredible oncologist, Dr. Powell, rocking their black TTF wristbands. #Rejoice #BrightStudents #BravePatients #LovetheSmiths