It’s simple: Patients need more support. And our cancer strategists (college students!) keep patients from being readmitted as frequently, by serving as lay navigators 1on1 with patients, using our own methodology and outpatient tracking unlike any other organization in the world.
When we say, America’s Best College Students… We mean it. Say what you will about the uncertainty of America’s future, but we’re excited about it, having worked with its future leaders. #itsnotacharity #itsanarmy #cancerstrategists
FALL 2013 RECRUITMENT IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED, AND WE HAVE SELECTED AN AMAZING NEW CLASS OF CANCER STRATEGISTS! WE WILL BEGIN ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SPRING SEMESTER IN DECEMBER, AND WE WELCOME YOU TO APPLY THEN You may SAVE A LIFE — You will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Apply with Take The Fight to be considered to join the national Corps of cancer strategists, fighting alongside cancer patients 1-on-1 unlike anywhere else in the nation, until January when our next chapter opens. Go inside the doctors’ visits; train…
Our new gear is in with Take The Fight’s Ribbonfist, just in time for the new semester. In the coming weeks, stay tuned for the opening of our online store to get your hands on some custom TTF threads.
At one of our patient’s graduation into survivorship, their family surprised us with some sugary goodness. We normally opt for healthy food, but don’t judge us–this was a celebration! We were so privileged to play a part in this family’s journey through cancer, and to become so close with them.
We are excited to unveil our Core Competencies of Patient Health, developed by Take The Fight. These are utilized by all of our cancer strategists and our patients, to provide a framework for where a patient is and where they could be. You’ll be hearing more about these as we continue to develop custom training for patients and caregivers, borrowing from our experience with patients and families inside the doctors’ visits, to inside their homes. It’s true, patient-centered care, unlike anywhere else in the world….
Get excited for the Fall!! Strategists like Jason Green, will be working with patients & families like Meagan, Wayne and their beautiful daughter, Lilly, as well as spectacular oncologists like Dr. Chan and Dr. Vern-Gross, pictured here. And all of the healthcare professionals, like the amazing nurses and radiation therapists, functioning like a well-oiled machine. #noonefightsalone #takethefight
We were honored to receive a 2-page featured story in ONCOLOGY ISSUES, the journal of the Association of Community Cancer Centers, which reaches over 900 hospitals, 1200 private practices, and 18,000 oncologists & healthcare professionals, who treat more than 60% of America’s entire cancer patient population. Known for delineating the future of cancer care, the ACCC bestowed a truly massive honor & accreditation for how this army of America’s best college students are redefining the extent of patient-centered care ever thought possible, and the patient’s…
The movement to help patients fight smarter. What Teach For America achieved for the education system, Take The Fight is accomplishing for the healthcare system. Pairing America’s bravest cancer patients with America’s best college students, to help them Fight Smarter and Live Longer. It’s not a charity–It’s an ARMY. And no one fights alone.