Congrats to Sean & Robyn, Co-Presidents of TaketheFight Wake Forest, and otolaryngology surgeon Dr. Ashley Mays for being recognized as cancer fighting Community Champions at tonight’s Wake Forest vs Univ of Miami! The Wake Forest community is an incredible network of passionate, brilliant minds working together to TaketheFight to Cancer. We love “Wake N Shake” and its incredible legacy that keeps flourishing thanks to the tireless efforts and contributions of the Wake community. #goWakeNshake #goDeacs
Join the elite corps of college students, who are revolutionizing cancer care. CLICK HERE to apply online now Wake Forest undergraduates may apply now for an interview, to be considered to join the National Corps of Cancer Strategists, fighting alongside cancer patients 1on1 unlike any other organization in the nation. Go inside the doctors’ visits; train your patient to fight smarter using our advanced cancer fighting methodologies; work with our team behind the scenes at Wake Forest Baptist’s Top 20 Cancer Center in the Nation;…
We’ve been hard at work, pairing students 1on1 with patients unlike any other organization in the world. And we’d like to introduce you to a couple of them! Meet the Jordans! And their newest teammate in the journey through cancer, Hannah, a top college freshman at Wake Forest University. #itsnotacharity #itsanarmy and #noonefightsalone
We are now accepting applications for the Fall Semester Wake Forest students may apply now to be considered for an interview to join the elite corps of college students who are revolutionizing cancer care, fighting 1on1 alongside patients unlike any other organization in the world. CLICK HERE to learn more! Applications close on August 31st, so apply early as available spaces on our roster are extremely limited and the applicant pool is highly competitive.
Thanks to everyone who sent Danny a birthday card for his 6 birthday. He received nearly 100,000 (!). Incredible. Even with limited treatment options, there are always ways to improve someone’s “narrative” in their journey through cancer.
Dr. Michael Chan, leading neuro radiation oncologist from top ranked Wake Forest Baptist, is leading a webinar on Palliative Care, sponsored by our friends at the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA). Dr. Chan has worked with six of Take The Fight’s cancer strategists from Wake Forest University, and we can say from experience that the level of full-spectrum care and advocacy he provides on behalf of his patients is unparalleled.
We are honored to have a small presence at the world’s most influential cancer conference, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) this year, inside the massive booth of our biggest supporters, Northwest Biotherapeutics. If you’re at ASCO, stop by and visit with us. On one of the walls you’ll see a giant photo of the founder of Take the Fight, Steve Warren and his family. We continue to Take the Fight in his honor, and in honor of those who’ve gone before us and…
As the spring semester winds down, we have the pleasure of graduating our patients into survivorship. A BIG congratulations to Ms. Judy, featured above, and her cancer strategist, Philippe, second from the right, and of course the awesome radiation oncologist who referred her to us, Dr. Page! Notably, this is the *second* patient that Philippe has supported this year, one each semester, while also being a leading full-time college student. Take The Fight changes lives, not only of the patients and families, but of these…
See two of the nation’s leading oncologists working with our students, who serve as patient advocates. Dr. Powell is Section Chief of Hematology/Oncology, and Dr. Chan is the most published Radiation Oncologist at the Top 12 Cancer Center in the nation, Wake Forest Baptist.
While volunteering is at its low in more than a decade, students like Danae Rosendall are fighting alongside cancer patients! To this day, all of TaketheFight continues to be 100% completely volunteer led.